
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

January 19, 2016

Blackstar & 2001: A Space Odyssey

 A fellow sync blogger who writes a blog called iAhuasca made a very eerie discovery when playing David Bowie's last album Blackstar over the last half of Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey
He writes, "Go do this: start Blackstar at the end of the first intermission of 2001: A Space Odyssey (let blackstar play a second time to finish)
The music is the exact time of the rest of the film. 
When the Star-ship enters the screen push play."
The first song in the album (Blackstar) syncs like a treat and ends on the "Life Functions Terminated" sign in the movie.
What's that word on the green screen ... C#NT?-)
Then as, "She Was A Whore", starts playing HAL comes into play.

I watched it last night and have to say this is one of the best sync-ups I have ever watched, but don't take my word for it, try it for yourself.

UPDATE: 27th, January, 2016
 Alan Green from SYNC BOOK Press has also suggested that Mos Def's Blackstar album syncs up quite well with 2001.
You can hear and watch that sync at this link-

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