
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

May 27, 2018

Paniyiri 2018: Under the Stars and from the Sea?

It came from outer space?!
Mind-boggling paper says octopuses[?] may have come from outer space
The Brisbane Greek Club at the top
of the hill overlooking
Paniyiri 2018
Musgrave Park, Brisbane, Australia
I went to the Paniyiri Greek Festival on Saturday May 19th after spending most of the day at GOMA attending lectures about and seeing Patricia Piccinini's 'Curious Affection' exhibition.
GOMA (AKA the Gallery Of Modern Art) Brisbane, Australia
Patricia Piccinini at GOMA on May 19th, 2018
The sun was going down and the stars were coming out as I entered the park looking for something to eat for dinner, and the first thing I see when I entered the food stall area was a guy holding up an octopus encouraging passers by to snap a photo.
Maybe I should have gotten a selfie with the alien looking creature ... and maybe even the octopus, as well?-)
A creature from the
'Curious Affection'
I should have showed the squid guy this picture I took of one of Patricia's creatures from the 'Curious Affection' exhibition and asked him if he had any of these in the fridge;-)
My vegetarian Paniyiri dinner option
I've been eating a vegetarian diet for months now, so seeing and smelling all of this wonderful Greek food was like an ex-smoker walking through a bunch of smokers blowing sweet smelling tobacco smoke in your face and asking if you would like one.
Get ye behind me Cthulhu, for I shall not be tempted to break my diet ... until Christmastime anyway:-)
I grabbed a Cypriot chickpea salad and planted my butt (no, not a cigarette butt) on the hill and watched the entertainment on centre stage as the sky grew dark and the stars came out.
The park looked way different to the night of the book-talk when I looked out across the park from the Greek Club veranda, which I wrote about in this post -
Welcome to Country Under a Desert Sky?
Looking out over Paniyiri towards the lights of the city
As I'm sitting on the hill watching the dancers dancing around in a huge circle like a human whirlpool, I spotted a shark ... or rather a fellow Sharks supporter wearing a blue, black and white iconic jersey.
And he was dancing while wearing a moon boot, too.
So, he was dancing with a busted leg the mad tough bugger.
Typical crazy Sharks supporter.
After eating my delicious Cypriot salad I grabbed some Greek coffee and went to look at the wonderful Greek art that was for sale.
I think I need one of these to hang from my iPhone;-)
I ended up falling for the siren and she now hangs on my key-rack on my kitchen bench and under my 2018 wall calendar.
My piece of ayahuasca vine sits perfectly
on the siren's back
Well, I'm happy to say that I had a smashing time at Paniyiri 2018.
Even though I couldn't get my paper Cypriot salad plate to smash on the night.

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